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Sunday 12 January 


​11am PARISH MASS | Pro populo

6pm Said Mass and Benediction | Those to be Baptised


Monday 13 January 

S. Hilary                                              
12 noon Mass | University Students​


Tuesday 14 January 


12 noon Mass | Bishop Jonathan


Wednesday 15 January​

8am Requiem Mass | The departed in January

2:30pm Mass at Maitland Park | The Residents


Thursday 16 January​


10am Mass | The Housebound


Friday 17  January

S. Antony                                       

12 Noon Mass | Religious                                                                 


Saturday 18 January


10am Latin Mass |Tariro                                      


Next Sunday 19 January

II SUNDAY PER ANNUM             â€‹
11am PARISH MASS | Pro populo
6pm Said Mass and Benediction



Before any Mass and by appointment




TODAY After Mass today there will be refreshments served at the back of Church at Holy Trinity, and in the Church Hall at S. Silas. We do hope you will be able to join us.


CANDLEMAS LAMPS As we approach the Feast of Candlemas (2nd February) the sponsorships of the various lamps that burn in church need to be renewed and intentions reviewed. There is a letter in church today about this and a form to complete. The lamps are a visible sign of our prayers and support for one another and the life of the church. Please speak to Fr Philip if you have any questions about these.


THANK YOU to the Holy Trinity Choir for singing a the 9.30am Mass today


FOODBANK We are collecting for the Camden Foodbank, please bring any items to church today so we can take them to the Foodbank.


VISITING PREACHER On Sunday 19th January we welcome as our preacher Fr Nicholas Stebbing CR. Fr Nicholas will speak to us about the work of his charity Tariro.


DEVOTIONS AT THE CRIB Our crib offering this year will go to support the work of Friends of the Holy Land. This charity supports Christians across the Holy Land who are particularly in need at this time.


UNITY Fr Philip will be the preacher at Vespers for Christian Unity at the Tyburn Convent on Sunday 19th January at 4pm. All are welcome to attend vespers which is followed by tea with the Tyburn Sisters.


TALK Dr Neil Bingham will be giving a talk on Tuesday 14 January at 6pm about how architects created cathedrals in the Middle Ages by only making a few drawings. The evening is at the invitation of Fr Luke Miller at his Church of S. Andrew by the Wardrobe, Queen Victoria Street EC4V. Drinks and nibbles to follow. Nearest Tubes are Blackfriars, St Paul’s and Mansion House.


PLEASE PRAY FOR those caught up in the war in the Middle East and in Ukraine; for all who teach and learn in our school; for the sick commended to us – Eric Lucas, Eileen Bromwich, Ginny Green, David Woolf, Leonard Hearne, Su Beard, Jeff Cridland (Pr), Caroline Essl, Hector Chisholm, Norma Chisholm, Chloe Stinson, Gary Stinson, Peter Hearn, Doreen Moodie, Peter Piddock, Ian Macgregor, Gabi Cancello, Veronica Lavin, John Nelson, Pearline Squire, Kay Farrell, Carlos Stinson, John Nix, Joyce Nix, Gill Bell, Brenda Yazdi, Dennis Holmes, Michael Trodd, Hazel Hallam, Pam Ansley, Earl Foster, Melvin Murray, Bert Brace, Clare Smith, Dave McWilliams June Clough, Melanie Grant, and Micheline Lobjois; for all who have died Brooke Kingsmill-Lunn (Pr), Zena Gregg, (Recently Departed) and for Michael Young, Lillian Husson, Joan Williams, Arthur Williams, Sylvia Abrahaut, Dorian Williams, Kevin Stones, Violet Cox, Jacqueline Painter, John Russell (Pr), Queenie Clark, Marion Allen, Joyce Davis, and Doris Winston. (Anniversaries).                                                                                                               â€‹



The church is open during the week and weekends during mass times.

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