Sunday 1 September
11am Parish Mass |Pro Populo
6pm Said Mass and Benediction |Patricia Stephenson
Monday 2 September
12 noon Mass | Our School
Tuesday 3 September
S. Gregory the Great
12 noon Mass | Society Bishop
Wednesday 4 September
S. Cuthbert
8am Mass |Durham Cathedral
2.30pm Mass at Maitland Park | The Residents
Thursday 5 September
Of Requiem
12 noon Mass | Faithful Departed
Friday 6 September
Of the Sacred Heart
12 noon Mass | SSC
Saturday 7 September
No Mass
Next Sunday 8 Septembe
11am Parish Mass |Pro Populo
6pm Said Mass and Benediction
Confessions: Before any Mass and by appointment.
TODAY At the end of Mass today there will be refreshments served in the Church Hall at S. Silas. We do hope you will be able to join us.
FOOD BANK COLLECTION Thank you to everyone who brought food for the Camden Food Bank. The food will be delivered to them on Tuesday.
WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE The bus leaves at 7.45am on Monday 26 August for the Healing and Renewal Pilgrimage to Walsingham. There will be Mass and Blessing of Pilgrims at S. Silas at 7am. Please let Fr Philip know if you have any prayer intentions for the pilgrimage.
PORTRAIT OF HM THE KING As part of the Coronation celebrations the Royal Household has given a portrait of HM The King to each parish. Our portrait has now arrived and has been placed in the S Silas Church Hall.
SOCIAL MEDIA Find us across social media (Facebook, Instagram and X): @StSilasNW5.
VISITING If you would like a visit at home from Fr Philip please be in touch with him.
PLEASE PRAY FOR those caught up in the war in the Middle East and in Ukraine; for all who teach and learn in our school; for the sick commended to us – Eileen Bromwich, Ginny Green, David Roberts, David Woolf, Leonard Hearne, Su Beard, Jeff Cridland (Pr), Glaspole Scharschmidt, Caroline Essl, Hector Chisholm, Norma Chisholm, Stephen Doyle, Peter Hearn, Patricia Stephenson, Doreen Moodie, Peter Piddock, Ian Macgregor, Gabi Cancello, Veronica Lavin, John Nelson, Kay Farrell, Carlos Stinson, John Nix, Joyce Nix, Gill Bell, Brenda Yazdi, Dennis Holmes, Michael Trodd, Hazel Hallam, Toni Disbury, Pauline Ansley, Pam Ansley, Earl Foster, Melvin Murray, Bert Brace, Clare Smith, Dave McWilliams and Micheline Lobjois; for all who have died especially Julia Power, Nikki Rae, Gerdt Scharschmidt (recently departed) Margaret Cayley, Phyllis Jones, Keith Buckland, Barbara Gibbons, Henry Frier, Michael Greany, Beatrice Collins, Phyllis Perkins, Michael Maskell, Herbert Ringe, Hans Lunkeit, (Anniversaries).
Completed in 1913, S. Silas, Kentish Town is a Church of England parish, which has maintained its witness to the Catholic faith and strong links with the school and local community since its foundation.